
Natural Oleoresins

Oleoresins are the true essence of spices representing its holistic character in terms of flavour, colour and taste attributes. Synthite has a wide range of spice extracts including their enriched flavour/colour/taste versions that cater to the increasingly sophisticated requirements of the food processing industry.


  • → Black pepper
  • → Capsicum
  • → Cardamom
  • → Cassia
  • → Celery
  • → Cinnamon
  • → Clove
  • → Cocoa
  • → Coffee
  • → Coriander
  • → Cumin
  • → Curry
  • → Decaleppis
  • → Dill seed
  • → Fennel
  • → Fenugreek
  • → Gardenia
  • → Garlic
  • → Ginger
  • → Hing (Asafoetida)
  • → Jalapeno pepper
  • → Mace
  • → Mustard
  • → Nutmeg
  • → onion
  • → Paprika
  • → Pimento
  • → Rosemary
  • → Tamarind
  • → Turmeric
  • → White pepper